Bidemi Oloyede: I Am Hu(e)Man!
April 29 - August 31, 2022, Art Gallery Exterior
Curated by Sharona Adamowicz-Clements
Nigerian-Born, Toronto-based photographer Bidemi Oloyede rethinks the image of the Black male subject through the language of portraiture. Focused on the male gaze—staring back at the camera lens—as well as his subject’s distinct attire and pose, Oloyede questions what may be gleaned about the cultural identity, lived reality, and true character of the individual whom the viewer must come to face.
Using a large-format film camera, Oloyede produces a single negative per shoot, taking pictures that reflect the subject’s curation of his own image. The photographer’s intent is to ensure the subject’s control over his own representation, while acknowledging his existence and assigning him to the pages of history so that he will be neither forgotten nor erased.
This exhibition has been developed by the Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives, in partnership with Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival.

Bidemi Oloyede (Nigerian, 1996-)
Lexson Millington, 2020
Courtesy of Nicholas Metivier Gallery
© the Artist